6 results
| Rich in antioxidants and vitamins| 100% pure and organic| Boosts immune system and brain health| Versatile superfood ingredient| Diet-friendly and allergen-free| Supports heart health|
9,00 € (18,00 €/100g)
In stock
| Coconut Bowl| Volume: max 750 ml| 100% coconut| from Vietnam| not dishwasher safe| not suitable for hot dishes|
From 3,00 € inkl.MwSt.
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Notify Once in StockSuccari Soft | juicy | sweet | raw | 100% natural | delicious | with core | 200g | 800g | 2,4 Kg | 3 Kg | 6 Kg | 9 Kg
From 126,00 € inkl.MwSt.
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Notify Once in Stock| ground| smoky-spicy| Origin: Spain|
4,20 € (56,00 €/Kg)
In stock